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DAO Set up

You can continue with the initial setup of the DAO in the Settings tab.


Token Setup

In the Token Setup section, you can create a proposal to ban the issue of tokens from this DAO by unchecking the box.


After the ban on the issue of DAO tokens, it will be impossible to allow the issue.

Event setup

In the Event setup section, you can enable/disable the option to view the voting results before it ends.

And also allow or prohibit discussion when working with proposals.

Members setup

In the Members setup section, you can grant or deny external users the ability to request membership in this DAO.

Then add a comment on changing the settings for other members of the DAO and click Save changes and start proposal.


All settings and actions in the DAO will be performed in the voting procedure.


Basic information

When a new version of contracts is released in GOSH, the user needs to upgrade their contracts.

The proposal initiates the upgrade.


Make sure that the proposal for such an update has not yet been created.


Complete all proposal before starting the upgrade. All uncompleted proposals will be rejected and will not be transferred to the upgraded version.

You can see a message about the availability of a new version and an invitation to update in the DAO.

Depending on which version you currently have, choose the appropriate update method.

It is recommended to upgrade to the latest version.


All token holders after upgrading the DAO must transfer their tokens from previous versions.

- from v. 1 to v. 2

You can switch to the Upgrade section from the new version message or go to the Settings tab.

Select the version you want to upgrade and click Create proposal for DAO upgrade:

You will be taken to the DAO tab with events.

After accepting the proposal, the procedure for updating your DAO will begin.

Then you need to update all the Repositories.

To do this, go to their tab and click Get repositories

and then click Start repositories upgrade to create a proposal.

On the DAO tab, vote for the proposal to create a repository.

After the proposal is accepted, the contract version will be upgraded.

- from v. 2 to v. 3

Release notes


* Added possibility of a DAO to be a member of another DAO

* Added possibility of DAO to be a Task performer. A DAO itself can now be a signer, reviewer, and manager of a Task in another DAO — Tasks now have the same functionality for DAOs as for individuals

* Improve native token management in contracts. This is mainly bug fixes for the back-end blockchain tokens that guarantee the operations of a smart contract

* Added possibility of task upgrade. Upgrades from Smart Contract version 2.0 to 3.0 required a redeployment of all Tasks. From now on, all future upgrades will not affect previously created Tasks

* Task rewards do not increase karma. From now on, Tasks will only serve to remunerate contributors with DAO Tokens but without increasing their Voting Karma

* Added a possibility to create index contracts. Version 3.0 now includes indexes that improve the performance of GOSH when used in a web browser


* DAOs can become members of other DAOs. DAOs have equal interface user flows for this operation

* A DAO can be set as a Task assignee, reviewer, and manager (DAO review, receive task bounty is not implemented yet). Web browsers now also fully support Task functionality

* DAO can create proposals and vote for proposals in parent DAO (not implemented yet)

* ask rewards do not increase karma

* If a DAO owns tokens of another DAOs, “DAO supply” block will contain a button with details. The GOSH interface now has a block to allow DAO members to see which tokens the DAO holds

Git Remote Helper

* supports all functionality of Smart Contract Version 3.0

The Tasks were added in contracts version 2.

Uninitialized Tasks will not be migrated to the new version. You will need to create these tasks in the new version.


Before starting the update, make sure that there are commits in the Tasks.

Go to the Settings tab or follow the link in the upgrade message.

Select the version you want to update and click Create proposal for DAO upgrade

You will be taken to the DAO tab with events.

Inside the event, you can get acquainted with the details of the proposal.

After accepting the proposals, the DAO update process will begin.
Before continuing, you need to transfer your tokens.

To do this, go to the Overview tab in the Your wallet balance section and click Transfer from previous version.

You can also do this on the Members tab.

Then you need to update the DAO repositories and tags.
To do this, click upgrade in the information message

and go to the repository upgrade page.
Click Get repositories.

Then click Start repositories upgrade to create a proposal.

The process will be displayed below:

As a result, you will be redirected to the DAO events page.

The details of the Multi proposal can be found at the event.

Then click tasks upgrade page in the information message

and click Start tasks upgrade on the page that opens.

You will be taken to the DAO tab with events.

After accepting the proposal, the tasks will be transferred from the previous version and the contract upgrade to version 3 will be completed.

- from v. 3 to v. 4/5/6.0/6.1

Uninitialized Tasks will not be migrated to the new version. You will need to create these tasks in the new version.


Before starting the update make sure that there are commits in the Tasks.

Go to the Settings tab or follow the link in the upgrade message.

Select the version you want to update and click Create proposal for DAO upgrade

You will be taken to the DAO tab with events.

Inside the event, you can get acquainted with the details of the proposal.

After accepting the proposals, the DAO update process will begin.
Before continuing, you need to transfer your tokens.


Starting from the 5th version, tokens are transferred automatically.


If you have tokens that were locked into voting in previous versions of the DAO at the time of the upgrade, please note that these tokens will be transferred only after the expiration of the proposal.

If you have a DAO version lower than the 4th inclusive, then to transfer tokens, go to the Overview tab in the Your wallet balance section and click Transfer from previous version.

You can also do this on the Members tab.

Then you need to update the DAO repositories and tags.
To do this, click upgrade in the information message

and go to the repository upgrade page.
Click Get repositories.

Then click Start repositories upgrade to create a proposal.

The process will be displayed below:

As a result, you will be redirected to the DAO events page.

The details of the Multi proposal can be found at the event.

Then click tasks upgrade page in the information message

and click Start tasks upgrade on the page that opens.

You will be taken to the DAO tab with events.

After accepting the proposal, the tasks will be transferred from the previous version and the contract upgrade to version 4 will be completed.

- from v. 6.1 to 6.2

Release notes for 6.2.0

The list of decisions supported in this version includes:


It's important to ensure that there are commits in the tasks and all proposals are completed before starting the update.

Go to the Settings tab or follow the link in the upgrade message.

Select the version you want to update and click Create proposal for DAO upgrade

You will be redirected to the page with the DAO event and will be able to vote for this proposal.

After accepting the proposals, the DAO update process will begin.


If you have tokens that were locked into voting in previous versions of the DAO at the time of the upgrade, please note that these tokens will be transferred only after the expiration of the proposal.

You should reload the page to continue updating your DAO.

Once you've done that, click on the Complete upgrade button in the message that appears

Then, a new window will open up, and you'll need to click on "Start upgrade complete process" to begin the data migration process between versions of DAOs.

As a result, multiple proposals will be created to transfer all data from your DAO to the new version
(migrating the Index repository and all Hackathons, upgrading the DAO repositories)

After all proposals are accepted, the DAO update process can be considered complete.